In January 2014 artists Alan Hockett and Stuart Bowditch were commissioned as part of the ENAS (Essex Network of Artists Studios) programme to enable artists to create collaborative works around a creative dialogue. Stuart and Alan spent six months searching out many forgotten bits of history, folklore, legend or myth that abounds in Essex. They delved into local archives, spoke to curators of museums and spoke to a lot of Essex residents and communities. They were taken on rides in boats and on the back of a tractor. They were given access to areas restricted to the public. They met people in village halls, front rooms, on piers, in car parks and in art galleries. They drunk tea, ate biscuits and cake and bacon sandwiches. They even crossed the River Stour into Suffolk, but only to interview a man who looked out of his window at Essex across the river every day. All this in the name of art! The collection of stories they found has been collected onto the artists and public can continue to contribute to, and refine the facts and details over time. A selection of the stories were developed into a series of Internet memes which have been sent out over the internet using familiar social networks.